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The Vegan Cat Yoda

24 Nis 2024

3 min read



Perhaps the most significant teacher in my discovery of veganism was my cat, Yoda. About 5 years ago, there was a waiter working alongside one of my clients at the restaurant where I provided consultancy to support his summer school expenses. His sister had received a gift of a cat, which had recently given birth to kittens, and he was showing me these kittens. It was a cat that anyone could fall in love with at first sight, a purebred.

At that time, I didn't know much about cats as I do now. I had two stray cats at home, one of which had just passed away, and Yoda came into my life to fill that void. He was only 2 months old, pure white, extremely affectionate, covered in fleas all over, yet showing love without knowing that being covered in thousands of fleas could kill him.

As I transitioned to a more plant-based diet, I noticed that there were certain foods Yoda would come running for, regardless of which room he was in, whereas he wouldn't even look at his wet food. But anything with plant milk, granola, or vegetables, he would eagerly finish by my side. Everyone would smile and say, "Even your cat is drawn to you." Over time, the starkly contrasting dietary habits of our two cats, especially Yoda's preference for and enjoyment of vegan foods, always amazed us. That's why we nicknamed him "the most vegan cat."

Through Yoda, I also learned about the genetic predisposition to certain diseases that purebred cats may have. All the cats I had cared for at home before were very athletic, lively, and healthy strays. Yet, breeds like the Scottish Fold, despite their charming characteristics, are sold and bred due to some mutations and genetic disorders, perpetuating a cycle of unconscious breeding and passing on genetic disorders to their offspring, much like in the family I adopted from.

After an incredible 5-year journey of companionship, learning, and teaching, I realized how fortunate I am to have chosen my cat. Perhaps if he had been given away to other families and then released onto the streets due to difficulties, he wouldn't have even lived for 5 years, or he might have lived much longer in more conscientious families. I learned from my cats not to see animals as objects, things that can be passed from hand to hand, adorned, ridden, or slaughtered; rather, I saw them as living beings. I witnessed that they are often wiser than humans, with infinite and unconditional love and conscience. I learned to connect with them, starting with my cats and then with all the animals I met. Sometimes, I learn to understand them without the need for words. I learn not to treat them unfairly, not to harm any living being who cannot even express themselves.

That's why I wanted to dedicate today's writing to my dear cat, who taught me that veganism is much more than a set of rules, every day with his love, and who bid us farewell in his sleep just 2 hours ago. I had committed the greatest offense in my life due to his being a purebred, and until today, the subject seemed trivial to me. Right now, I'm pondering the activism power of the most vegan cat I know, with the activism power of countless people who never bothered to understand my love for him or to understand Yoda. I remember that everything is for "them." To the memory of my beloved cat, Yoda, who taught me that the subject of veganism is not humans, but animals...

24 Nis 2024

3 min read



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